A web site. A book. And?
Most days I wake up with a song or thought coursing through my head. Then I start my daily routine that includes reading daily devotionals. Some aren’t technically devotionals, but “thought of the day” or “quote of the day” or “word of the day.” I like to mix it up. Then I take some time to stop and ponder. What does it mean? That song? Those words? That scripture? The key for me is to take the time to stop and wonder why God has put something before me. There must be a reason and my day starts with finding the reason. Do I know when I’ve found it? Honestly, I never know God’s full purpose, but our God is one that wants to reveal Himself. My day starts with wonder.
A number of years ago I started taking those ponderings, putting them into a written journal. On occasion I would share these with close friends. Then my friends wanted me to email them these thoughts so they could start their days in a similar way. So began an email list. One day a friend said I should make a book. Really? Me?
The book is that vision. It is a collection of some of my journal entries. You’ll notice that there are often missing days among of the entries. That is because, though I desire to write every day, the simple reality is that I don’t. Other things get in my way-distractions. That’s why the entries are labeled as they are. I don’t journal every day. You may also notice that some days have less writing than others. This is partly because some days I had more to say, but also because some days I wanted to leave more room for the reader to think. I encourage you to use the white space on the pages to write your own thoughts.
At the end of the book there are two additional sections. The first is a list of sources where you can find the quotes I have referenced. That was a fun and exciting list to compile. The second list is an index of Scripture verses I have included and the corresponding page where you can find them in this book. I hope you enjoy those tools.
This book’s main purpose, and why I feel the Spirit moved me to put it together, is to encourage readers to venture into their own Wonder Room. To reflect. This book is to help you to stop and listen with wonder to the world around them. To ask questions. To look for answers. Make connections. To realize that God is in everything, but sometimes we have to be willing to wonder.