Our Wonder Room

My Books

There Has To Be More Than This

Most people are bombarded by so much “stuff” that the ability for God to reveal Himself in unexpected ways gets lost. As a result, they are less likely to experience the richness and glory of a God that seeks to reveal Himself. The purpose of this book is to share examples of the author’s seeking God and seeing Him reveal Himself in unexpected places at unexpected times. The key is to encourage people to wonder. To dig deeper than what their initial reaction to something such as a quote, or song, or movie. To realize there has to be more than this.

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Our Wonder Room

365 Devotional Writings on Seeking God
Will you take the time today to wonder? To look with curiosity at the world around you? Each day is an opportunity to seek the one true God, the God who desires to be discovered. He does not reveal Himself to each of us the same way. In sharing examples of finding God in unexpected things, we share untold riches with others and grow deeper in our relationships with God.

One of the keys to growing closer to God is to take the time to stop and wonder about things which on the surface may or may not appear connected to God.

May this book encourage you in your desire to find God in this busy world—in our wonder room. May it nudge you in your search to find meaning in unexpected places and in unexpected things.

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