Our Wonder Room

His Reach

“If you want to experience living life as Jesus did, go out and do the things He would do. Let Him guide you to the person who needs compassion and mercy. Let Him direct you to the hurting, lonely and the lost. As you share His love with them, He shares His heart with you.” … Read more

May I Be Patient

“May I be patient! It is so difficult to make real what one believes, and to make these trials, as they are intended, real blessings.” … John Henry Newman (1801-1890) Well, I am actually down in Los Alamos, New Mexico right now visiting Lori’s sister Diana and her family. I thought it would be easy … Read more


“Don’t wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel.  Stride down there — and light the bloody thing yourself.” –Sara Henderson Lori forwarded this to me a while back and I had been going back to it reading it again and again off and on. And then this morning, as I … Read more

Rescuing Me

When I pulled the words below out of a devotion I read this morning, I was just going to leave it at that. The old cut and paste. But then I went back and read all of Isaiah 50. Wow! In particular, though, I am drawn back to these rhetorical questions in verse 2. How … Read more